What is play therapy?

“Play Therapy is based upon the fact that play is the child’s natural medium of self- expression. It is the opportunity which is given to the child to ‘play out’ his feelings and problems just as in certain types of adult therapy an individual ‘talks out’ his difficulties.” (Axline 1947)

We offer the client regular and consistent sessions where they can engage with the therapist in a trusting and safe relationship and from this interaction, the client can have a cathartic, healing experience. It is vital to be able to always let your client know that you will always be in the same place, at the same time, with the same equipment to enable them to feel safe and valued. The client can come to the session to explore what they need to explore, not what we, or the referrer, wants them to address.

Because the therapist believes the child has an innate sense to move towards health, he or she creates an environment in which this natural healing process can function without interference. The therapist refrains from directing the child in even in the subtlest of ways and does not quiz the child on what is happening in the child’s life outside the playroom. The focus is on the child and the child’s internal growth and development, as opposed to external behaviours and demands of significant others.


Play Therapy can help children who;

  • are not realising their full potential – academically, or socially
  • have nightmares or disturbed sleep
  • are at risk of being/is excluded from school
  • have suffered trauma or loss
  • have suffered neglect, emotional, physical or sexual abuse
  • are (or in the process of being) adopted or fostered
  • suffer because of separated/divorced parents
  • suffer from anxiety, stress or phobias
  • have suffered a loss or bereavement of any kind
  • are withdrawn or continually unhappy
  • are ill, disabled, or autistic
  • find it difficult to make friends
  • quarrel frequently with peers or siblings
  • bullies others or is bullied themselves
  • display inappropriate behaviour
  • don’t play

(Reasons for referral are not limited to the above)


Individual and group play therapy sessions for children from the age of 3 years old after consultation and assessment with parents/carers and, if applicable, other agencies (schools, foster/adoption services, CAMHS, etc.).
We currently provide play therapy in several schools across Bristol, South Glos and Wiltshire with the help of our team of associate therapists.

“Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field, I’ll meet you there.” Rumi

If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me.

More information about Play Therapy and the integrative approach we use can be found here.

PTUK – The UK Society for Play and Creative Arts Therapies

Synergetic Play Therapy
